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Would your preference be for people to buy the game here or on Steam?

Hey there! We actually don't have a preference, so feel free to pick the platform you like to get the game from! ❤️

You might want to consider a name change.  Not that I have anything against "The Dark Cave", but there were at least 4 other projects on with that name.  The game looks pretty cool, though.

Thank you for your advice, but we have decided to stick with the name "The Dark Cave" as we are approaching the release and have already sent out some press releases about our game. It's a great suggestion, but it would be a bit too late for us to change the name now.

I completely understand.  Too bad I didn't run across this project a lot sooner :)

haha, try our projects sooner next time!! <3

Well you know, if your project name was easier to discover... :P  Sorry, couldn't resist.